On the Coronovirus front things continue to go from bad to worse with just under 1000 deaths reported yesterday. At last someone has the courage to lay the blame where I have said all along that it should rest, with human behaviour.

This is what Professor Hugh Montgomery who works in ITU at The Whittington Hospital, London, has had to say about it:

"It is wrong to blame the surge in cases and deaths on the new variant of coronavirus, which is only slightly more transmissible and causes the same symptoms"

"It is making me very angry actually now that people are laying the blame on the virus, and it is not the virus, it is people, people not washing their hands, they are not wearing masks"

Professor Montgomery warned anyone not socially distancing or following the rules that they "have blood on their hands". "They are spreading the virus. Other people will spread it and people will die. They won't know that they have killed people but they have. "

Professor Montgomery added: " I am watching whole families getting wiped out here, and it's got to stop. "

Professor Montgomery also said that it was "a great myth" that hospitals are being overwhelmed by elderly people. "The people we are getting are, like the first wave, my age really. I am 58 and I would say half the patients are younger than me. It's the middle-aged people or a little bit older that we are getting ".

It is dreadful to read this but at least someone has finally had the courage to come out and say that the problem rests with human behaviour, which is what I have been saying all along, to anyone that will listen.