
Not quite sure what happened to me today but for some reason decided to go off the rails and not rest, not do a recovery spin, but do an extra 2x20 session! The real reasons for doing this were because I wanted to see how my new plan with the CompuTrainer would work and I wanted to do a blood lactate measurement at a higher level of effort and see what level I am working at when riding on the CompuTrainer at 2x20 intensity. I knew the lactate measurement would be a bit skewed having been riding all weekend but this is all useful background data to me as I try to understand what is going on "behind the scenes".

So off I went. Anyhow it went well, for the first time I felt properly in control of this session, I rode the whole of the first effort at 260W and the whole of the 2nd effort at 250W and my average HRs for the efforts were about 157. My blood lactate at the end of effort 1 was 4.4mmol/l which is high and will be bang in the middle of my lactate threshold at the current time, I suspect if rested this would be lower and I will test this at the next suitable point in my training.

The powers were low I guess BUT I maintained them and I can now stick with this method and as time goes by and I get (hopefully) stronger and my HR comes down I will alter the control file to raise the loads for the 2 efforts, probably by about 5W at a time, perhaps each month.

That's the plan, I'm repeating this session tonight, it could be gruesome but at least I did it and if tonight goes less well I'll have a good reason for it. I do feel as if I am recovering better from these sessions at the moment, hence my willingness to try what I did tonight.